Necromancy for Great Justice

This bit of necromancy was performed for Samhain 2020.

We are gathered on this night, when the veil between worlds is pulled back and those who have passed may move freely in our world once more.
The way is open, the path is drawn.

A chime is struck.

We call upon those slain by the words or hands of all tyrants of all ages.
Those whose lives were held cheap by the living embodiments of power without compassion.
The way is open, the path is drawn.

A chime is struck.

Return to this world and let loose your wrath upon the oppressors of this age.
Help now the helpless living shed the fetters of control without consent.
The way is open, the path is drawn.

A chime is struck.

By this sign we unite the worlds.
Let the living and the dead rise as one to smite all despots.

The black altar candle is lit.

Let this flame be a guide to all those who are lost, forgotten, and forsaken.
Rise with your kin and lend your might to our cause.
Like the Erinys of legend, punish the wicked and freeze their hearts with dread.

Let all those who suffer know succor.
Let all those who inflict suffering know fear.

Rise and mete justice!
Rise and wreak havoc!
Rise and taste vengeance!

The way is open, the path is drawn.

A chime is struck three times.

It is complete, it is complete, it is complete.