Lunar Cycle Wonder Working for Enu and Nul

The twin DKMU egregores Enu and Nul are the bringers of wonder, discovery, rebirth and renewal. To engage with them is to invite them to touch your life and bring these aspects to bear on your behalf. That is the purpose of this working. It begins on the Full Moon, runs through the New Moon, and then concludes on until the night before the subsequent Full Moon. There are additional observations at the Third Quarter and First Quarter. 

In addition to these rites, a meditation on the twin whose time in the cycle it is should be performed each day throughout the cycle:

Enu, Light Sister, bathe me in your radiance and bring me wonder. 

Nul, Dark Brother, shroud me in your shadows and bring me peace. 

Enu is in the peak of her power at Full moon.
She is joined by Nul at the Third Quarter, as the light wanes.
He is in the peak of his power at New Moon.
He is joined by Enu at the First Quarter as the light waxes.

An altar prepared for the working

The Working

Upon the Full Moon:

Now begins the cycle of Enu and Nul!
The Light Sister and Dark Brother,
Scions of the moon, the Zenith and the Nadir.
The bright face and the shadowy visage.
Ever as one in the cycle eternal.
Let us join together in wonder.

Enu, Light sister, radiance of the full moon,
I entreat you to cast your bright gaze upon my works of Will.
You who are the mistress of light,
Illuminate my path and clear all obstacles from my way.
Hail to the light that burns bright in a darkened world,
And gives hope in the face of dissonance and doubt.
Io Enu, Io Enu, Io Enu!

Upon the Third Quarter:

Comes now the Dark Brother, to join the Light Sister
Darkness waxes as the light begins to wane
The gloaming offers respite from the glare
Old patterns fade away as new ones are forged
Io Enu, Io Nul, Hail to the Scions!

Upon the New Moon:

Nul, Dark brother, emanation of the Void,
I entreat you to guide my path through the darkness.
You who are the walker in the twilight,
Lend your wit to my works and your discernment to my perception.
Hail to the shadow that holds no fear,
But brings only wonder.
Io Nul, Io Nul, Io Nul!

Upon the First Quarter:

Comes now the Light Sister, to join the Dark Brother
The light waxes as the darkness begins to wane
The glow illuminates and awakens the Will
The hidden is revealed and all broken things are made whole again
Io Nul, Io Enu, Hail to the Scions!

Night before the next Full Moon:

Now ends the cycle of Enu and Nul,
The Light Sister and Dark Brother.
Scions of the moon, the Zenith and the Nadir.
The bright face and the shadowy visage.
Ever as one in the cycle eternal.